How to Get Points ?

  • How to get points?

    There are two ways of getting points, but there are multiple point types, so there are different methods for each point type. Firsty, there are Gift Points..what are they good for ? With these points you can buy items in the "Gift Shop" or exchange them for "D-Points" when you have a certain amount of G-Points. These can be gotten off killing or voting, here's a short list of tasks you can accomlish in order to get some G-Points:

    Amount of Points Rewarded

    Picture Boss Name Location Points Rewarded
    Golden Star Tao Guo Golden Star Tao Guo Scenario Seven Stars Stage 1
    Super Battle Spider Super Battle Spider Scenario Spider Catacomb 3
    Hong's Wife Hongs Wife Scenario Silver Fox Cave 4
    Reviviscent Green Robe Master Reviviscent Green Robe Master Scenario Chill Wind Cave 5
    Pirate Evil Si Ming Scenario River Sorrow Cave 5

    Killing any of the bosses that are specified above will earn your more points (they will be added automatically), when making a purchase in one of our shops there's no need to contact an administrator to assist you, as everything's totally automatically done, items are sent to you within the Post System in game without needing to re-login.

    There is no way to "pay" for these points, they are free, however, they can only be obtained using the two methods mentioned above: By voting or killing in-game bosses that were mentioned above.

    Questions and answers about the system about the "Gift Points"

    • Question: When fighting a boss with my team, will everyone get the G-Points?

      Answer: No, points will be earned by the person who got the rumor, in that case, the person who had the last boss that killed the boss.
    • Question: Do you need to be logged-in to be able to vote ?

      Answer: Yes! In order to get points to your account, you must be logged in, our system can only give you points if you're logged in.

    How to get Donate Points or "D-Points"?

    The donation points are clearly easier to obtain by paying, in addition to be fast and better, our system is configured to automatically notify the payment of points, for example, if you purchase 300 points by paying $10, after the payment will be confirmed, paypal will notify our system that you made a payment, it will automatically insert points into your account immediately!

    Important! We have a fast host, but that doesn't guarantee us that it will be running smoothly all the time, so, we strongly recommend that you take a screenshot everytime you make a payment, make sure it contains the Transaction ID, the transactor's name, Date and Time! It's really important for your own good!